Jurisdictional Foreign Relations

Jurisdictional Foreign Relations

Foreign Jurisdictional Relations

The Jurisdictional Relations between the Albanian Prosecution Institution and the International Law-Enforcement Agencies in the criminal field are conducted through the Directorate of Foreign Jurisdictional Relations in the General Prosecution Office.

This directorate cooperates directly with the foreign authorities and it operates as an assisting and coordinating unit between the Prosecution Offices with General Jurisdiction of the Republic of Albania and the foreign law enforcement authorities. It addresses requests for legal assistance from/for foreign authorities in the framework of the criminal cases, extraditions of subjects, recognitions of the foreign criminal judicial decisions in Albania, as well as recognitions of the Albanian criminal decisions in other countries, transfer of the convicted, etc.

The Directorate of Foreign Jurisdictional Relations in the General Prosecution Office is the unit specialised on international cooperation, which contributes to achieving regional and global objectives in the fight against criminal activity, exercising its activity based on Agreements, Conventions or International Tractates ratified by the Republic of Albania as well as the domestic legislation.

This directorate is responsible for the international cooperation relations between the homologue prosecution offices and simultaneously, it is the contact point of the Albanian prosecution with international networks and organisms such as EUROJUST, EJN (European Judicial Network), etc.
The International partners assist the General Prosecution Office through several projects, which provide professional assistance and training of the Prosecutors and the Judicial Police Officers.
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