


The Judicial Police Commission was established and works according to the Law 25/2019 "On the organization and functioning of the Judicial Police". It has the authority on certain aspects of the judicial police career development.
The Judicial Police Commission is located in the premises of the General Prosecutor's Office. The Commission is composed of five members:
-    A Prosecutor from the General Prosecution appointed by the General Prosecutor who is, also, the Chairman of the Commission and exercises his duty full time;
-     A member from the judicial police officers of the prosecution section, with five years of experience as a judicial police officer;
-    A member officer from the State Police sections, part of the investigative structure, with experience not less than five years as a judicial police officer, appointed by the General Director of the State Police;
-    A member, director of the investigative structure of the State Police sections ranked not lower than director;
-    A member of other Judicial Police sections from other state institutions, appointed on a rotating basis, every two years, by the General Director of Taxation and/or by the General Director of Customs.

The chairman and members of the Judicial Police Commission have a two-year term mandate with the right to be re-elected only once. The members of the Commission work part-time for the commission.

The Judicial Police Commission is a collegial body and is independent in its decision-making for the accomplishment of its duties in respecting the obligations deriving from the legislation in force.

The meetings of the Judicial Police Commission are convened by the chairman and are valid, when 3 (three) members are present.
The Commission holds the meetings in the premises of the General Prosecutor's Office.
The Commission exercises its competences by taking decisions collegially. The commission decides by a majority vote of the present members, by open ballot. When the votes are divided equally, the vote of the chairman is decisive.

The Commission based on Law 25/2019 "On the organization and functioning of the Judicial Police" exercises the following competencies:

-    Decides on the total number of judicial police officers for the sections and departments, in cooperation with the General Prosecutor and the relevant ministers in charge of the judicial police sections under their ministry.
-    Appoints, promotes, transfers and commandments the judicial police officers of the sections upon the proposal of the General Prosecutor.
-    Approves the transfer and commandment of the Judicial Police officers of the sections, upon the proposal of the head of the state institution where they belong.
-    Examines the requests for disciplinary proceedings against judicial police officers according to the provisions of the law "On the organization and functioning of the judicial police".
-    Evaluates the results of the work and integrity of judicial police officers.
-    Outlines the rules for the organization of the initial handling of the investigation according to articles 16 and 17 of law 25/2019, in cooperation with the General Prosecutor, the Security Academy or public educational institutions designated by law for professional training.
-    Assesses the training needs and plans the training of the judicial police officers and agents in cooperation with the General Prosecutor's Office and the Security Academy, and public educational institutions designated by law for professional training.
-    The Judicial Police Commission plays an important role in several aspects of the career development of judicial police officers. It evaluates their performance at work and professional integrity, as well as it reviews requests for disciplinary measures. The Judicial Police Commission plays also a key role for the qualification and professional development of the judicial police, as it assesses the training needs and plans these trainings.