Press Release

General Prosecution Office approves the 2015-2017 Medium-Term Strategy

The General Prosecution Office has approved the 2015-2017 Medium-Term Strategy and the Action Plan in its function, where the main focus continues to be the fight against corruption and organized crime.

The General Prosecutor, Mr. Adriatik Llalla, has signed this document, which provides concrete objectives, which aim to strengthen the standards of investigation, as well as to increase the professionalism and integrity of the board of prosecutors in Albania.
The 2015 - 2017 medium-term strategy of the Prosecution Office of Albania is based on the successful fulfilment of its constitutional and legal obligations on the uncompromising punishment of all criminal offenses and at the same time, guaranteeing fundamental freedoms and human rights.

It aims to present in a structured way the objectives and the action plan for the period in question. The focus of this strategy remains the punishment of corruption and organized crime, as phenomena that withhold the development of the country and society, and become an obstacle to the process of integration into the European Union.

In view of this major goal, this medium-term strategy provides concrete, measurable and achievable objectives, aiming at maximizing the standards of procedure, enhancing and strengthening the professionalism and integrity of the board of prosecutors, upgrading and modernization of technical and technological capacities, protecting and strengthening the independence of the institution, and intensification of cooperation with Albanian and foreign law enforcement partners.

This strategy is designed by keeping in mind the performance, achievements and shortcomings found in the work of the Prosecution Office in recent years, the necessity of quantitative and qualitative improvement of the performance in accordance with the concrete development of the country, as well as recommendations for the 2014 Progress Report on Albania and national strategic documents on the fight against corruption and organized crime.