Press Release
The 3rd round-table ''Domestic violence and gender-based violence, the efficiency and challenges of the prosecution in facing the phenomenon'' is held
In the premises of the General Prosecution Office, the 3rd round-table "Domestic violence and gender-based violence, efficiency and challenges of the prosecution in facing the phenomenon" took place today within the 16 days of activation against gender-based violence.
The General Prosecutor, Olsian Çela, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania, Reinout Vos, the Professor of the Faculty of Law at the University of Tirana, Aurela Anastasi as the representative of the project "Proactive commitment for the protection and implementation of the law against gender-based violence and domestic violence", as well as Prosecutors, Judicial Police Officers (JPOs) and coordinators for victims from different local Prosecution Offices were present.
The discussions were focused im some aspects of the work of the prosecution in the fight against these crimes and the challenges faced by the justice system in this regard. During the meeting, the results of a syrvey conducted with the employees of institutions responsible for handling cases of domestic violence and violence against women was also presented.
At the end of the round-table, two awareness-raising videos prepared by the Korca prosecution office for denouncing domestic and gender-based violence were presented.
This table is part of the 3-year project, "Proactive commitment to the protection and implementation of the law against gender-based violence and domestic violence", which is implemented by the Center for Civil Legal Initiatives with the support of the Embassy of the Netherlands.
The project aims to increase the capacities of prosecutors, judicial police officers and coordinators for subjects with special status, in accordance with international standards for cases of domestic violence and gender-based violence, focusing on the treatment of victims, and it also aims to improve the data collection and administration for these criminal offences.